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viernes, 5 de diciembre de 2014

Dungeon Defenders II aparece en @Steam_Games - Free/F2P

Dungeon Defenders II - Free/F2P. Diponible en breve.

4 comentarios:

  1. Mi no entender... me sale el juego pero de gratis nada. 18 pavazos cuesta.

    1. Juas, ni yo. Cuando lo he puesto estaba marcado como F2P y diponible en 2 horas. Ahora sigue teniendo la etiqueta F2P pero vale pasta.

      Me vuelvo loco

    2. lei que el juego sera F2P cuando salga de la beta o early access. Basicamente, pagas por jugar antes xD.

    3. ¿Cuánto tiempo va a estar este juego en acceso anticipado aproximadamente?
      “We expect the game to remain in Early Access for at least a year after its initial release on Steam. This enables you, our Steam Community, to Influence the game as we develop it, incorporating many of your ideas along the way.”

      ¿Variará el precio del juego durante durante el periodo previo y posterior al acceso anticipado?
      “In the future, Dungeon Defenders II will be free. We’re focused on building a great game first and business model second, so as of the Steam Early Access launch, the game is absent of any monetization features. We will be adding these features to the game as we progress through Early Access. There will also be periods of time where it goes on sale or participates in other Steam promotions.

      For supporting us early, you’ll receive an exclusive Hero Embellishment set and an equivalent or greater dollar value to your purchase price of in-game currency. You can use this currency to buy cool items like costumes, tower skins, and tavern decorations when those features come online. These in-game purchases will NEVER GRANT GAMEPLAY ADVANTAGE. EVER. WE’RE SERIOUS!”

      Así que a esperar 1 año para F2P.
